Another day digging in the trenches and recording finds, with some particularly interesting ones found in both Trench 1 and Trench 3; a finger ring and a brooch. There was also another coin found in Trench one which has caused much excitement, is so far one of the earliest coin finds of the dig dated between the 1830’s and 1840’s with a depiction of the young Queen Victoria.
Work has continued in the sondage (trial slot) in trench one and another couple of feet has been dug out with various sherds of china and glass (some with writing on – if anyone has any information on ‘Castleford’ it would be greatly appreciated!) to continue our collection. The volunteers who have started today in the trench were no doubt beginning to feel less Lara Croft and more Ground Force through the amount of digging, until one of them uncovered a handmade brick which has been dated to the18th century. Other finds have included a claw hammer and what seems to be an early 20th century metal tool, no doubt we shall we reveal more information on this later. The sondage shall continue to be worked on until the next context level. So far it has been cleaned and photographed and at one point the digging caused a mini avalanche due to the loose rocks. This resulted into various ‘digging ourselves into a hole’ jokes.
One of the most ‘controversial’ finds has also been uncovered…the top of a Smarties tube! One of our many interested visitors confessed to burying a Smarties tube many moons ago…if that person is reading this, we have found the evidence and it has been recorded!
Trench three is continuing to reveal what seems to be the curve of a wall which has intrigued the ‘Friends of Oystermouth Castle’ Volunteers and hopefully they will soon uncover more information.
All in all, another great day!
By Rebecca Kelly
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