Whilst many of our usual students were forced to endure the hardship of a graduation ceremony and formal dinner, those of us who remained were able to enjoy a traditional Swansea summer’s day, with a mix of sunshine and torrential rain. Three work experience students came down to site today to help out with the finds washing on site and do some site surveying work with Rowena.
In Trench 1 work continued following on from the weekend the team today were planning the stone surface in the northern end of the Trench, which may or may not turn out to be a part of the drum tower base, meanwhile in the central section of the Trench a second group of volunteers and students carried on cleaning up and defining the various deposits whose relationships we are yet to resolve.
In Trench 2 more of the rubble was removed, revealing a few small metal objects. In Trenches 1 and 3, much of the morning was spent recording levels, drawing stones and otherwise recording the work, which had been done over the weekend. Once this was complete we were able to clear some of the rubble from the top of Trench 1 and expose more of the possible floor level.
Slightly further down the trench a find was made which radically changed the interpretation of at least six of the context layers: A power cable!
Someone had run a second power line across the trench, through the middle of the ditch, and had left no record of leaving it there.
How much will the power line disrupt the excavation? Will we find a tower? Join us after the break to find out.
By Colin Hough (student volunteer)
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